So what exactly happens when having a mole removed?

So what exactly happens when having a mole removed? Having any operation can be a daunting prospect, even a “minor procedure” such as having a mole or cyst removed. However, being forewarned is forearmed and knowing what to expect in the run up to having a procedure can significantly relieve the stress and fear of… Continue reading So what exactly happens when having a mole removed?

Introducing Justine

Introducing Justine What is your favourite piece of art at Purity Bridge? The backlit industrial one in reception (shown here) What was your best holiday in last 5-years? Cuba last year. Havana was so eerily beautiful in a sort of crumbling down fashion. I’m pleased I got to see Cuba authentically before the Americans stamp… Continue reading Introducing Justine

Facial Thread Vein Treatment

Thread veins commonly appear on the face, whether it is on the nose, the cheeks or elsewhere. Many people find them unsightly and annoying, so fortunately there is a simple and effective way of treating them. Thermavein treatment is an ingenious technique that removes thread veins (spider veins) and is particularly effective on the face.… Continue reading Facial Thread Vein Treatment

The quick solution to early facial ageing – Thread Lifts

The quick solution to early facial ageing – Thread Lifts Thread Lifts are proving to be continually popular at Purity Bridge, so we thought we’d share some more information about them. Thread Lifts are an excellent office-based local anaesthetic procedure that can produce a subtle and refreshed appearance for those who can afford little down… Continue reading The quick solution to early facial ageing – Thread Lifts