Why accept tooth loss?

Tooth loss is a common occurrence, with people living longer it will, unfortunately, become more prevalent.

Tooth loss results in bone loss and the general ageing of the face. Historically we used plastic removable dentures to replace missing teeth. Not only are they uncomfortable and unstable but they only have approximately 10% of the function of a normal tooth.

Why should we accept this?

Most of or socialising involves eating, be it a family event or a simple meal out with friends. The lack of confidence a denture gives is unacceptable to some people.

For the past 14 years I have had the pleasure of discarding dentures and replacing them with fixed dental implants. Be it a single tooth or multiple teeth the end result is the same; a fixed replacement for a missing tooth.

The difference that a fixed restoration makes is something that is always surprising. The resulting increase in function, confidence and enjoyment in eating is vast.

Would I have a denture? No way and thankfully neither do my patients.

Dan Bateman – dental implantologist