Earlobe reshaping surgery
Reshaping the ear, particularly the earlobe, is an increasingly popular plastic surgery procedure. Most commonly it is performed to correct a tear, split or large hole in the earlobe. However, techniques to reshape and reduce overly large earlobes are also possible.
Earlobe reshaping is performed under local anaesthetic. The operation is carried out in our procedure room and takes between 20-minutes to 1-hour, depending on whether one or two ears are being operated on and on how complex the surgery is.
Ear reshaping can address unsightly tears or holes in the ear, as well as reshape the ear, all of which can produce a natural appearing ear, with subtle scarring.
Procedure Length
1 hour
Facility Stay
Day Case
From £2,250 for both
Light exercise can resume after 4-6 weeks
Available in-house at Purity Bridge
Procedure Length
1 hour
Facility Stay
Day Case
From £2,250 for both
Light exercise can resume after 4-6 weeks
Available in-house at Purity Bridge
As mentioned above, depending on the complexity of the surgery, the procedure will take 20-60 minutes.
The procedure is performed as an “office-based” procedure under local anaesthetic. This allows a speedy recovery. Stitches will be used that are usually kept in for around 10-days. There will be tapes over the stitches which are left in place until you return to have the stitches removed.
It is recommended that no sporting or strenuous activity is performed until around a week after the stitches are removed. Showering and washing is possible – as long as attention is paid to the surgical tapes to ensure they are dry afterwards (a hair dryer on a cold setting is very useful for this).
The following complications may be associated with this procedure: