#septemberirony – the post summer holiday treatments

Inevitably after enjoying the Mediterranean sun (or the sun from further afield!) we have an influx of loyal Purity Bridge patients coming to see our experts for treatment of wrinkles, sun damage, anti-ageing skin changes and more. In-house, we call this the September Irony! Whilst we all know prevention is better than cure, we also recognise that not everyone wants to go on summer holiday wearing long sleeves, sitting under a sun umbrella all day. Some people will probably over-do their sun exposure, whilst others might take sensible precautions, like avoiding the midday sun. Whatever prevautions are taken, no doubt there will be varying degree of sun damage to the skin, and a slight progression in wrinkle development from squinting in the bright sun shine.

So what sort of “quick fixes” can be done to improve the post-summer holiday situation?

Banish those wrinkles

Squinting in the bright sunshine will encourage crow’s feet and frown lines to develop; so anti-wrinkle toxin injections are always popular in September. The “magic” of Botox ™ and other toxins work wonders to soften wrinkles and fine lines, brighten up the eyes and make people look less tired and aged

Improve your skin

Skin treatments for sun spots, fine lines and poor skin quality can be done through a course of medium depth TCA peels – with very little actual peeling to show for it! Alternatively, if getting to the clinic for four visits over the course of a month or two is inconvenient, then medical grade skin care at home is a very good alternative.

Brighten up your eyes

We also see a rise in the number of people asking for eyelid lifts (blepharoplasty), as they seem to notice the hooding or excess skin in the upper lids much more. This is one of our most popular cosmetic operations we perform in the clinic, and one that produces excellent early results – the Purity Bridge staff love seeing the results at the early post-operative visits.

Get those moles checked!

Finally, and on a more serious note, we certainly see a spike in people coming for mole checks in the autumn, having been sun burnt on holiday, or having noticed a new mole whilst sun-bathing. Our expert Consultant Plastic Surgeons are on hand to do the mole checks, and carefully remove the moles for testing if required.

We hope you all had a wonderful summer, but we also hope that you looked after your skin! If you have any concerns, or would like to get in touch, please call on the usual number – 01892 536 960, or email info@puritybridge.co.uk