
Why accept tooth loss?

Tooth loss is a common occurrence, with people living longer it will, unfortunately, become more prevalent. Tooth loss results in bone loss and the general ageing of the face. Historically we used plastic removable dentures[..]


Purity Bridge Team

Our latest ‘cool’ open evening!

Last week saw our VIP CoolSculpting launch at Purity Bridge. We are all very excited at the arrival of this innovative, non-invasive body sculpting technique. CoolSculpting is still relatively new to the UK, and involves[..]


Purity Bridge Team

A great team day out at CCR Expo 2014!

CCR-Expo report – inc. MDP approach – aesthetic polyclinic On 10th and 11th October the Purity Bridge team went to the CCR Expo at Kensington Olympia in London. This is a large annual conference combining cosmetic &[..]


Purity Bridge Team