Free Mole Checking Evening – 9th May 2018

Summer is just around the corner, and we are all starting to become more aware of our skin as the weather improves. Following the success of our mole checking evening in March and due to popular demand, we have organised for expert Consultant Plastic Surgeons, Marc Pacifico and Nora Nugent, to be available for a 2nd free mole checking evening.

Whilst our Consultant Plastic Surgeons have diagnosed possible skin cancers at previous mole checking events, they have been able to reassure the majority of patients about the benign nature of different lesions, giving advice on on how they can be removed if desired.

So, if you have any concerns about a “lump or bump”, any form of skin lesion or just feel you need a general skin review, please get in touch to book your place.

The event will be at Purity Bridge itself, on Wednesday 9th May at 7pm.