Purity Bridge Recognised again at National Awards

We are delighted that Purity Bridge Consultant Plastic Surgeon Marc Pacifico was recognised for his work in the category of Aesthetics Practitioner of the Year. We feel that his High Commendation at the Aesthetics Awards 2017 reflected his dedication and passion for what he does, and reflects on the ethos of the whole team at Purity Bridge. “I am very honoured to be recognised in this way by the most prestigious event in the aesthetics industry in the UK” said Marc.

He has been inundated with messages of congratulations on social media, from industry, colleagues and friends of Purity Bridge – all of which he has found somewhat humbling! Indeed, the Monday after the awards ceremony was, for him, like any other – a busy morning of clinic business meetings and administration, followed by a clinic, with Marc seeing patients from 12pm through until 8 in the evening!

We are all constantly striving to improve everything we do – from the clinical outcomes we achieve, through to the whole patient experience and administration of the clinic. We hope that Marc’s award recognition reflects on the whole team – as Marc says, “I could not do my job without the loyalty, support and hard work of our first class team at Purity Bridge”. We are all very proud – what a great Christmas present for the team!