Wide awake facelifts at Purity Bridge

We are seeing a real rise in the numbers of patients enquiring about local anaesthetic facelifts that can be performed in the clinic itself. These are excellent procedures that focus on tightening the jawline and addressing the jowls. They are particularly suited if you have early facial ageing, such when you are in your 40s and 50s.

When performing these procedures, our Consultant Plastic Surgeons use carefully administered gentle injections of local anaesthetic into the cheek area, which allows them to lift the skin and tighten the underlying SMAS tissues. Fine stitches are used to close the skin once the excess has been removed. No bandages are needed and a layer of “spray on skin” is used over the stitches to seal the wounds.

After the procedure, we give you time to rest and recuperate in our private recovery point until you feel ready to go home. We will then see you next a week later to remove most of the stitches and give you a check up, with further follow-up appointments to come.

Wide awake facelifts at Purity Bridge are suitable for many people, although they might not be the right procedure for everyone. Luckily for us, the experience and judgement of our Consultant Plastic Surgeons, means that you can be assured that other options will be openly discussed with you if appropriate, so you can make an informed decision on how you might prefer to proceed.

So, if you are thinking about wanting to restore your jawline and lift the sagging skin in this area, book an appointment to see one of the Purity Bridge experts!