So what exactly happens when having a mole removed?

So what exactly happens when having a mole removed?

Having any operation can be a daunting prospect, even a “minor procedure” such as having a mole or cyst removed. However, being forewarned is forearmed and knowing what to expect in the run up to having a procedure can significantly relieve the stress and fear of the unknown. So what is involved when a mole is removed?

Your arrival at Purity Bridge

When you arrive, it is much like coming for any other appointment, and you will be led to the waiting room and made comfortable until your appointment time. You will then be taken to the procedure room to meet your Consultant who will go through the nature of procedure with you, obtain your consent and draw appropriate markings on your skin.

The local anaesthetic

Let’s not beat about the bush – local anaesthetic injections can sting – but this is short-lived and when the injection is given carefully and slowly, the discomfort is minimised. The anaesthetic takes a few minutes to work, so after it is given, your Consultant may attend to relevant paperwork on your case, to allow the full effect of the local to work.

The operation itself

Once the anaesthetic is working the area to be operated on will be cleaned and draped with sterile towels. The mole or skin lesion (cyst, lump or bump) is then cut out and if required any small bleeding areas are dealt with. The wound is then stitched up, often using internal stitches with or without external stitches. A dressing is then applies – usually in the form of beige tape, which can be left on the wound until the wound check or stitch removal appointment.

We hope this goes some way to de-mistifying the patient journey for a local anaesthetic procedure – if it does, it might also take some of the stress and anxiety away from the build up!

If you would like to find out more about any sort of surgical procedure, please get in touch on 01892 536 960 or email